Hey there! Let’s shake things up a bit when it comes to aging gracefully in 2024!
We’re all on this journey of getting older, right? Every year should be a CELEBRATION! But the beauty industry bombards us left, right, and center with images of perfection that most often can make us feel like we’re not measuring up.
At be love organic skincare, we’re flipping the script.
When I first started out on this path of clean beauty well over 10 years ago, it wasn’t just about looking good; it was about feeling good too. I mean, who says you can’t have both, right?
Over the years, I’ve learned a ton about beauty and self-acceptance. Women in their 30s, 40s and 50s often feel the pinch the most. In fact women age the fastest in their 40βs and 50βs. As a women turning 50 this year I really feel this.
But guess what? The real secret to overall “BEAUTY” is… (drum roll) CONFIDENCE!! Now, that’s the real game-changer, no matter your age. Not only do we need to learn this for ourselves but it’s so important to teach our young girls, especially in this day and age. It breaks my heart to hear kids 9, 12, 17 years old pick themselves apart.
Now, let’s talk simple tips:
1. Sun? Yeah, it’s not exactly your skin’s BFF. So, let’s not overdo it, shall we? I’ll admit, I’m still a sun-worshipper I just can’t help it but I do try to limit my exposure these days.
2. Eat your greens, keep that liver clean, and maybe cut back on the booze and caffeine a bit. Trust me, your body will thank you! Again, I’m not stopping my Margaritas on Cinco de Mayo anytime soon. Moderation is always key.
3. Stay active! Tighten those neck muscles, do some Yoga or Pilates – not only does it keep you looking fab, but exercise in any form is a serious mood booster. Even just holding plank for as long as you can a couple times a week will have its benefits. Every little bit helps,
4. Change your outlook – Embrace your age, embrace yourself.
5. Surround yourself with positive vibes only. Life’s too short for negativity!
6. Gratitude is key. Be kind, be giving, and watch that inner joy shine through.
So, let’s age gracefully, beautifully, and confidently together. Let’s lift each other up, use our words wisely (especially when speaking to and about ourselves). Visit our shop online for our full line of simple yet effective GLOW enhancing products, stop by our next market or visit the Meadows this summer and let’s chat more about how to embrace your glow, inside and out.